Monday, September 30, 2019

Applebees Monopolistic Competition

Market structure influences how an organization behaves according to pricing, supply, barriers to entry, efficiency and competition. More specifically, Applebee’s, a nation-wide casual dining restaurant chain, is an organization whose structure is considered to be monopolistic competition. Monopolistic competition is a structure that has many buyers and sellers who sell products that are similar but not identical. Hence, instead of being a price taker, Applebee’s has a downward sloping demand curve. Applebee’s is almost like a tiny monopoly because of the differentiation in the products that they sell. Moreover, Applebee’s has some control over their prices but competition tends to dictate the price range for food and beverages. In addition, it’s relatively easy to enter and exit this market without restrictions. Chili’s, T. G. I. Friday’s, Red Lobster, Outback Steakhouse, Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesday’s are Applebee’s main competitors. In grasping market share and maximizing profits, advertising plays significant role in monopolistic competition. All of these organizations spend millions of dollars in advertising but why? Plain and simple, advertising leads to higher profits. One of the commercials that have Applebee’s has is a 550 calorie meal. In today’s society, consumer are becoming more health conscientious and showing a delicious shrimp and pasta meal for under 550 calories appeals to the consumer’s eye. Now without that commercial, how many people would actually know about this? Definitely, not as many. In continuing on how advertising plays a hugh role in monopolistic, consider yourself driving down the road with a friend and you want to grab a bite to eat. Are you more inclined to stop at Applebee’s, a clean safe and economical eating environment or a place you never even heard of such as Jim Bob’s diner with the sign out in front of the building falling down who has a short order cook that looks like a guy that should be in ZZ Top? Odds are you would be more inclined to stop at the well known Applebee’s because you are familiar with this organization because of advertising. Now that Applebee’s has you in the door, think of the extra revenue that is accrued from ordering drinks? If a restaurant buys a bottle of vodka for $10 and is able to get 22 drinks out of that bottle for $3/drink that would make a $56 approximate profit. If you continue the math, millions of dollars are made because it started out with advertising. References Applebee’s. (2010 March). Retrieved March 25, 2010, from Applebee’s website: http://applebees. com

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Advantages of Science

Assignment #3 WAQAR AHMED KHAN (5757) Q1. Write a function power ( a, b ), to calculate the value of a raised to b. static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter number with power is to be calculated†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter power†); int b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); double c=p. power(a, b); Console. WriteLine(a+ † rase to the power â€Å"+b+ â€Å"=†+c); } private double power(int a, int b) { double power = Math. Pow(a, b); return power; } Q2.Write a general-purpose function to convert any given year into its roman equivalent. Example: Roman equivalent of 1988 is mdcccclxxxviii Roman equivalent of 1525 is mdxxv static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int number=Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); string samsung=p. ToRoman(number); Console. WriteLine(samsung); } private st ring ToRoman(int number) { if ((number < 0) || (number > 3999)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"insert value betwheen 1 and 3999†); if (number < 1) return string. Empty; f (number >= 1000) return â€Å"M† + ToRoman(number – 1000); if (number >= 900) return â€Å"CM† + ToRoman(number – 900); if (number >= 500) return â€Å"D† + ToRoman(number – 500); if (number >= 400) return â€Å"CD† + ToRoman(number – 400); if (number >= 100) return â€Å"C† + ToRoman(number – 100); if (number >= 90) return â€Å"XC† + ToRoman(number – 90); if (number >= 50) return â€Å"L† + ToRoman(number – 50); if (number >= 40) return â€Å"XL† + ToRoman(number – 40); if (number >= 10) return â€Å"X† + ToRoman(number – 10); if (number >= 9) return â€Å"IX† + ToRoman(number – 9); if (number >= 5) return â€Å"V† + ToRoman(number – 5); if ( number >= 4) return â€Å"IV† + ToRoman(number – 4); if (number >= 1) return â€Å"I† + ToRoman(number – 1); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"something bad happened†); } Q3. Any year is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to determine whether the year is a leap year or not. static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); . leap(a); } private void leap(int a) { if (a%4! =0 && a%100==0 && a%400==0) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this year is a leap year†); } else Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this is not a leap year†); } Q4. Write a function that receives 5 integers and returns the sum, average and standard deviation of these numbers. int a, b, c, d, e; Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter first number†); a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter second number†); b = Convert. To Int16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter third number†); c = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter forth number†); = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter fifth number†); e = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); int f = p. sum(a, b, c, d, e); int g = p. average(f); double h = p. standard_deviation(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"sum of numbers are=†+f); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"averge of numbers are=†+g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"stardard derivation of numbers is=†+h); } private double standard_deviation(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g) { double i, j, k, l, m,deri,squ; i = a – g; j = b – g; k = c – g; l = d – g; m = e – g; i = Math. Pow(i, 2); j = Math. Pow(j, 2); = Math. Pow(k, 2); l = Math. Pow(l, 2); m = Math. Pow(m, 2); deri = (i + j + k + l + m) / g; squ = Math. Sqrt(deri); return squ; } private int average(int f) { int avg = f / 5; return avg; } private int sum(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { int sum = a + b + c + d + e; return sum; } Q5. If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. int sum = 0; for (int i = 3; i < 1000; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) { sum += i; Console. WriteLine(sum. ToString()); } Q6. A palindromic number reads the same both ways.The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. int maxPalindrome = 0; for (int i = 100; i < 1000; i++) { for (int j = i; j < 1000; j++) { int product = i * j; if (product. IsPalindrome() && product > maxPalindrome) { maxPalindrome = product; } } } System. Console. WriteLine(maxPalindrome); } } public static class Extensions { public s tatic bool IsPalindrome(this int i) { List chars = new List(i. ToString(). ToCharArray()); chars. Reverse(); return i == int. Parse(new string(chars. ToArray()));

Friday, September 27, 2019

Religious Fundamentalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religious Fundamentalism - Essay Example At the beginning of the 1920s (the first stage), Christian fundamentalism appeared as a reaction against the culture of modernity (Robert 1998). Thus, for its adherents, Fundamentalism's biblical literalism provides grounds for denying the validity of unfriendly scientific evidence found in geological data and the claims of the theory of evolution. The Fundamentalist movement obtained its name from a series of ten paperback volumes entitled The Fundamentals; A Testimony to the Truth published between 1910 and 1915 and privately financed by two businessmen brothers (Robert 1998). Scholars have since regarded the necessary existence of these volumes as a patently transparent rearguard attempt by conservative Christians to reassert truths and doctrines that they believed to be seriously endangered. In this narrow sense, fundamentalism is a phenomenon barely a century old and associated with distinctly evangelical Protestant Christianity (Dollar, 1973). In 1919, fundamentalists organized a conference and formed the Moody Bible Institute. The nest stage took place between 1920s-1940s. During this period of time, the Fundamentalist reading of the Bible supports patriarchal and traditional norms of sexual behavior and marriage patterns vis--vis modern social and legal permissiveness (Dollar, 1973). William Bryan was one of the most popular leaders of this movement in America. Fundamentalism's vesting of ultimate, absolute, and triumphal authority in written scripture and its strictures underwrites firm boundaries between the "saved" and the "unsaved" and, thereby, weakens socio-cultural flexibility and the type of empathy in human affairs that is deemed to be dysfunctional in modern, complex, diverse, industrialized societies. "The Christian Right that emerged with the formation of Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority in 1979 was a response to the cultural transformations of the 1960s and 1970s" (Munson, 2002, p. 31). During 1940s-1970s, Christian fundamentalists fought aga inst the Supreme Court divisions and racial questions. For instance, they fought against Brown v Board of Education (racial segregation in schools), Epperson v Arkansas (anti-evolution laws), Roe v Wade (abortion rights), etc. Christian fundamentalists identified themselves with right wing of the Republican Parties and aggressively opposed all other parties and their bills. The new stage began with Ronald Reagan presidency and was closely connected with religious and social 'crisis' in America (1980s-2000). The leaders of this movement were G. Falwell, T. Haye, H. Lindsey, P. Robertson. In contrast to previous stages, they politicized this movement criticizing the government and political system (Dollar, 1973). "Islamic fundamentalism generally attracts the young, the dispossessed, and the unemployed, who suffer the effects of marginalization and extreme poverty" (Marin-Guzman;, 2003, p. 63). The history of Islamic fundamentalism goes back to the middle of 18th century. Muhammad ibn abd al-Wahhab was the first reformer and founder of Wahhabism (1744). During the 19th century, Wahhabism became a political and social movement (Marin-Guzman, 2003). During the 19th century, this movement was directed against British rule and colonization in Africa and the Middle East. As a strong political force, Islamic fundamentalism reappeared in the 20th century and was closely connected with political changes and westernization of Asian societies. The new wave of Islamic

An endangered species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An endangered species - Essay Example It is scientifically known as Panthera tigris tigris and its IUCN: Endangered A2bcd+4bcd; C1+2a (i) and lives in dry and wet deciduous forests, grasslands and sal forests as well as temperate or mangrove forests (Tilson and Phillip 3). The Bengal tigers live a solitary life marking their territories to keep away their rivals and are powerful hunters who hunt for their prey at night, which includes buffalos, deer, wild pigs and other large animals like wild ox. They are suitably adapted to their habitats and use their skin to camouflage before pouncing on their prey and killing them for food. Over the last hundred years, the hunting and the destruction of the habitats of the tigers especially the forests have majorly contributed to reduced populations of tiger as the tigers are hunted for their body parts used in Chinese traditional medicine and as trophies. Poaching does not make the matter any better as the human populations always shoot, trap or ensnare them to meet the ever-increa sing demands for illegal trade in wildlife and their products. The Bengal tiger has therefore been rightly included in the red list of the endangered species in the world by the IUCN, which lists the destruction of its habitat as the major cause of its endangerment. As already stated the Bengal tiger is endangered due to the encroachment of human populations and pushing them out of their natural habitats as well as for their body parts. The Bengal tigers are usually hunted as both trophies and the use of their body parts for medicinal purposes according to some cultures especially in China. They are always hunted to meet the market demands of the illegal trade in wildlife products, for example apart from being used as trophies, the endangered Bengal tiger also provide fur that is used to make carpets and coats. However, the major reason why the Bengal tiger is endangered is the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Argue against a commonly held belief - Being Vegetarian is a Matter of Essay

Argue against a commonly held belief - Being Vegetarian is a Matter of Free Will - Essay Example Proteins and vitamin B12 are essential for cell growth, tissue building and repair. These essential components are present in meat. Vegans need to plan their diet to make sure that it includes all the important components required for body growth. Some plants are good source of protein such as beans, peas, nuts, seeds, soy products and whole grains. Vegans must eat such plant foods to ensure adequate nutrient intake. Being a vegetarian is a healthy lifestyle choice. It is good to be a vegan for a range of health, environment, religious and economical reasons. For human body functioning all the important nutrients can easily be obtained from plant foods. Green leafy vegetables, cereals, whole grains and legumes contain iron. Fruits and vegetables help the body to absorb the iron. In addition, a regular consumption of fruits and vegetables provides significant protection against cancer at many sites. Nuts and wheat are good source of zinc. Calcium is an important component for bones an d teeth. Dark green leafy vegetables such as Asian greens, almonds and Brazil nuts are good source of calcium. Nuts also contain a number of vitamins, minerals and they are naturally low in saturated fats while most are quite rich in monounsaturated fat. High consumption of nuts and whole grains has been associated with lower rates of diabetes. An increased consumption of fruits and vegetables contribute to the prevention of diabetes. Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cells production. It helps in proper functioning of nervous system and healthy brain. Mushrooms and sea vegetables are good source of vitamin B12. Vitamin D is good for skin and bones. Vegans can consume vitamin D by taking soymilk and cereals in their diet. In addition, sun is the main source of vitamin D. vegans can expose to direct UV light of the sun to get maximum vitamin D. Vegans can never face nutritional deficiencies because every essential nutrient can be obtained from plant food. Livestock drugs are har mful for human body as consumed when human body takes animal food. Growth hormones, antibiotics and veterinary drugs given to the livestock animals are dangerous for humans, as humans are secondary consumers. Meat eaters may consume hormones, drugs and other chemicals. No one knows precisely what effect these hormones have on human health but the risk is there. Some farmers use tranquillizers to keep the animals clam and antibiotics to protect them from infections. Omnivores are inevitably consumes these harmful chemicals. There are lot of pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses in animal’s meat that are danger to human health. People eating meat (omnivores) have risk of heart diseases. In addition to heart diseases, humans suffer from a wide range of diseases such as diabetes, kidney stone, osteoporosis, arthritis, acne, cancer, obesity, excess protein, fiber deficiency and food-borne illness among omnivores compared with vegetarians. Plant foods help in prev ention of cancer. Vitamin C, B-17 and beta-carotene are natural substances present in most plants that help in preventing cancer. Most animal meats are highly dangerous; as when cooked, produce cancer-containing compounds such as benzenes and other carcinogenic compounds. A powerful anticancer compound, protease is present in plant foods such as soybeans. The World Cancer Reasearch Fund published a major report in 1997 that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Relation Between the Embouchure and Flute Playing Essay

The Relation Between the Embouchure and Flute Playing - Essay Example Practical experiments are inevitable in order to determine the best possible sound producing angle. The flute is quite a small instrument and hence it does not require much air to play. Other wind instruments like woodwinds and brass make their sounds in a way that a certain back pressure is exerted by the instruments and the embouchures. The flute does not exert any kind of back pressure itself. The lips of flutists have to take the responsibility of providing this back pressure and hence a requirement of a large amount of air. The flutist blows a quick jet of air through the embouchure hole. The pressure inside the mouth is above atmospheric level, usually 1 kPa. The source of power to the instrument is the work done to accelerate the air in this jet. The flutist provides the power required to produce a sound. Further, this sound needs an oscillating motion. The air jet present in the flute along with the resonances in the air in the instrument helps in producing an oscillatory com ponent of the flow. Energy is radiated as sound out of the end and any open holes of flute as soon as the air present in the flute starts vibrating. A large amount of energy is lost in the friction with the internal parts of the wall of flute. The column of air present in the flute vibrates more easily at some particular frequencies, known as resonating frequencies. The resonance determines the playing frequency and hence, the pitch. So, the player chooses the desired resonances by selecting a suitable combination of keys.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing research - Essay Example ?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11 Marketing Research Project: Coffee Shops – A Pilot Usage and Attitude Study Introduction: Coffee shops are commonly defined as establishments that primarily serve prepared coffee along with light snacks. From a cultural point of view, coffee shops serves as centres of social interaction where individuals especially youths are provided with a place to congregate, talk, read, write, entertain one another. As defined by Mintel (2009), coffee shops are shops where â€Å"coffee is the primary sales item. They are based on the European and North American coffee shop models, typified by Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Cafe Nero and Coffee Republic and offer a wide variety and different types of coffee, e.g. cappuccino, latte, mocha, etc. Other items are usually on sale, such as pastries, tea, coffee beans, etc. Ho wever, the food offer may be restricted.† Further, the operational venues of these coffee shops are also of relevance: â€Å"Coffee shops include venues such as individual stores, kiosks and concessions. These may operate in a number of locations – motorway service areas (MSAs), health clubs and hospitals, for example. However, they must be independent of the facility they are located in.† (Mintel, 2009) This paper briefly addresses the report of a pilot study on the usage and attitude of coffee consumers, especially young consumers. The data collection for the survey report has mainly been conducted in big coffee shop brand names such as Starbucks and Costa Coffee from the localities of London. The data was collected from 20 young people aged 18 and above, along with a well-structured questionnaire designed on the basis of the usage and attitude of the young coffee consumers. Moreover, the paper looks into the broader picture of coffee shops market in the UK. It briefly provides the current scenario of the UK coffee shops market, which is now considered a booming market contributing remarkably to the UK economy. While competition is getting tougher, the usage and attitude of the young coffee consumers are becoming significantly essential for the coffee shops in order to accomplish competitive advantage. Methodology: Coffee shops are growing faster and wider, thanks to the novel process of globalisation. With the level of market competition growing fast, there is also a growing need of more variables to be included in the market analysis of coffee shops. The study included in this paper is a pilot survey designed to test the questionnaire and the survey approach and to produce some exploratory information which may be of interest to marketing decision makers. The survey conducted for the purpose comprised of 20 young people (aged 18 and above) and students, to be administered by respondent self-completion. In order to explain the behavioura l and attitudinal information of the young consumers of coffee shops, the survey has collected data from both males and females, and coffee shop users and non-users as well. Research objectives:

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Film - Essay Example Adopting a light-hearted tone, Marker takes the unique approach of editing various video clips together, without adhering to time frame, and putting them together to describe the memories of the fictional Sandor Krasna, whose letters are read by a female narrator whose identity we never find out. Resnais’ Nuit et Brouillard, on the other hand, is based on the very real and macabre events of Holocaust. With most of the focus on the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp, the documentary which was filmed ten years after the Holocaust ended (1955), lays bare the atrocities committed therein. The male narrator simply relates the series of events that start from the rounding up of the people who were being sent to the concentration camps. The tone of the movie is, of course, very somber and serious throughout. In his movie, Chris Marker tries to explore how human memory works and how time and place have an effect on everything that later becomes history. It is an attempt on his part to take an interest in the banalities of life and, through them, try to explain human nature. The tone of the movie remains quite philosophical; though a lot of people are put off by it and they claim that Marker has ruined what could have otherwise been a great travelogue by using this tone, I disagree. The script of the movie, which are the letters read by the narrator, is crisp, innovative and it helps in driving the point home: the subjectivity of human memory and how we perceive time. It is a very unique approach and I agree that it is not palatable to everyone; however, it is unfair on the part of the critics to call it a work of pseudo-intellectualism. In Nuit et Brouillard, the script is very objective and it portrays the suffering of the prisoners of concentration camps in Nazi Germany. There are no personal observations made by the narrator; he recounts the events as and when

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Teenage Drinking Essay Example for Free

Teenage Drinking Essay For the past decade, there has been a major problem with underage drinking in this world. Many of teenagers have been able to buy consumed drinking without the appearance of their parents. Today, many teenagers experience different things in the world. Whether it is their first date or first day in high school, teens are always eager to try something different or new. One of the things that teenagers try is drinking alcohol. Unfortunately, underage drinkers often abuse alcohol. Many reasons why underage teens are consuming alcohol because there were alcoholics in the family, peer pressure, stress and family problems. When growing up with an alcoholic, the kids mind thinks that it is normal to drink non-stop. The emotional and psychological scars that children can develop in alcoholic homes can be so deep that they can last well into adulthood. If you were raised in a home with alcoholism or addiction, you may find that some of the following characteristics are very familiar(Dr. Jan Woititz). People tend to become isolated, fear people and authority figures become approval seekers, be frightened of angry people, be terrified of personal criticism, become alcoholics, marry them or both view life as a victim have an overwhelming sense of responsibility, be concerned more with others than themselves, feel guilty when they stand up for themselves, become addicted to excitement, confuse love and pity love people who need rescuing, stuff their feelings lose the ability to feel, have low self-esteem, and judge themselves harshly. Those are just few of the effects of alcoholic problems in the family. Studies state that people look to alcohol because of economic, job stress or marital discord. In humans between certain types of alcoholism and adverse early childhood experiences. High levels of stress may influence drinking frequency and quantity. This relationship between stress and drinking even is stronger when alternative coping mechanisms and social supports are  lacking. Finally, when individuals believe that alcohol will help to reduce the stress in their lives, alcohol is most likely to be used in response to stress. Drinking appears to follow stress but some evidence also links excessive drinking to the anticipation of a major stress or even during times of stress (BRESSERT). Stress can lead to being a alcoholic because the person is so tired of being in a state of stress so they look for something that can calm them down so they turn to either weed or alcohol. They drink as much as they could until it goes away but in reality the stress does not go away. So if it do not work then that means they going to keep looking towards liquor to get rid of it. This drinking can make their way of thinking change. Over time, heavy drinking interferes with the neurotransmitters in the brain that are needed for good mental health. So while alcohol may help deal with stress in the short term, in the long run it can contribute to feeling of depression and anxiety and make stress harder to deal with (Eva Cyhlarov). Joseph A. Califano, Jr says The media focuses on illegal drugs [ such as ] heroin, but thats the tail. The dog is alcohol and the dog is really biting our kids (69). This can cause you to hurt others, get you into illegal trouble, and damage your relationships. Alcohol can damage the young brain, interferes with mental and social development, and interrupts academic progress. Alcohol is attracts teenagers easily and leads to the three leading causes of teen death: accidents, homicide and suicide. You can also harm your body now and when you grow up and also get you addicted. When drunk people tend to not notice anything so they start fights, unprotected sex, driving drunk and heavy hangovers. People have died from drinking on the beach and like to go swimming which leads to death. It is said from Anthony that people dont die from smoking weed, they die from drinking alcohol(70). It seems to be true because you cannot die from a plant but you can die from something that is mix with ma ny chemicals. They can die from intense alcohol intoxication. Why do teens drink? Teens seem to look towards drinking as a pleasure but what they do not notice is messing up their body. Even though they know its bad for them, they insist that alcohol isnt really a drug, however kids  know that beer, wine, and liquor can you into big trouble. It is said by CASA that 8th graders used 47.0% of alcohol, 10th graders used 66.9% and 12th Graders used 78.4%. Used in past year, 8th graders are 38.7%, 10th graders are 60.0%, and 12th graders are 71.5%. Used in the past months, 8ths graders are 19.6%, 10th graders are 60.0% and 12th graders are 48.6%. Seventy-two percent of college students report that they used alcohol at least once within the 30 days prior to completing the Core survey. Within the last year, 84 percent of students report they drank alcohol (Alcohol and College Students Drinking Fact Sheet, 1). 82% of students under age 21, using alcohol within the past year. Student athletes are more often the heaviest drinkers in the overall student population. Half of college athletes (57 percent of men and 48 percent of women) are binge drinkers and experience a greater number of alcohol related harms than other students. College athletes are also more likely than other students to say that getting drunk is an important reason for drinking(Dying to Drink by Henry Wechsler, Ph.D.). Seventy-eight percent of college athletes report that they used alcohol on at least one occasion in the past 30 days prior to completing the Core survey. Within the past year, 88 percent of student athletes report using alcohol. One in five athletes believe others students drinking adversely affects their involvement on an athletic team or in other organized groups. Some athletes do not think of the repercussions while they are out with fellow teammates, drinking a limitless amount of alcohol. They are caught up in the moment and want to be cool with friends and associates. They don’t think how this is going to affect their upcoming game or practice. Some athletes believe they can handle excessive drinking and performing well in games. There thought pattern is party hard right now and worry about practice or the game later. This is a poor thought pattern that will always harm their performance. Athletes know alcohol affects their system in a negative way, yet they still consume large amounts(Nelson and Wechsler1 2001). Colleges and pro-football leagues look at this kind of things. They have a wide-range programs that can track and also test 100% if someone is under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Today, as you may have read many teenagers are under the influence of alcohol in the stages of high school and college. There were many studies  that were conduction that gave us information about the average student alcoholics or up and coming alcoholics. There were many effects of alcoholic that people did not understand. These kids do not understand what it can do to your life and physical-self in the future. They wont understand the outcomes until it hits them clearly in the head.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Magazine Advertisment Essay Example for Free

Magazine Advertisment Essay Advertisements are everywhere on TV, the internet, movies, magazines, etc. They are there to get people to buy whatever it is that they are advertising. They do it with color, models, and tricky words. In this case my magazine advertised a lip balm called â€Å"Baby Lips†. This advertisement says that you can, â€Å"kiss dull lip balms goodbye and instead have baby lips† making it so that woman get interested into buying this product because you will have baby lips. The colors that are being used in my advertisement are grey, black, bright orange, and white. What is being suggested in this advertisement is that you should wear the lip balm shown in the magazine because it will give you baby lips. In the article the picture is of a pretty woman whose whole face is grey, except her lips. The rest of the article is in very light colors making it so that the lip balm and the models lips are the two things stand out the most. Both of them are in a bright orange color that makes them stand out more than anything else in the picture. Also in my advertisement there is a model, she is a female, although you can’t see all her body and just her face you can tell that she is pretty just by the way her eyelashes and eyebrows are done. The expression on her face is as if the woman is going to give someone a kiss. She has her eyes closed but she looks like if she’s in the mood of kissing someone and feels good about that. All these little details are made to imply that with this lip balm everyone will want to get kissed by your baby lips. In the picture there is also a before and after picture of someone’s lips but you can’t really tell the difference. Words are a big help in advertising. The words call the reader’s attention and also can sometimes fool the buyer. In my ad it says â€Å"In one week your lips will be visibly renewed.† Although it says that, there is no given proof of it. They don’t provide us with a survey of people or percentage of people who says that. Also the word baby lip is in bright orange to get the viewers attention because it stands out who wouldn’t want baby lips right? There is also a small caption next to the bright orange lip balm that says that it’s an exclusive lip renew formula. Furthermore the model is saying that she wants a clinical strength care with a kick of color to get woman to buy it because not only does it help you care for your lips but it also gives you some color. The intended audience for the lip balm is young woman or any type of woman who want to get baby looking lips and wants to stand out at the same time. The woman who are interested in this lip balm are probably the ones who are looking for non dull lips and instead interested in lips that are more moisturized and lips that stand out. Lastly, advertising helps buyers learn more about the product but it also tricks buyers into buying stuff that most of the time doesn’t work.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Southwest Airlines Culture, Mission and Values

Southwest Airlines Culture, Mission and Values The most impressive thing I find about Southwest Airlines (SWA) is the history of the company. I really admire how Herb Kelleher fought to create SWA, even when everything and everyone was against him, and how his warrior spirit has shaped the organization ´s culture and performance. Also it is very impressive to me how the company can be profitable with a low cost strategy. It is well known that airlines companies do not make any gain even with high ticket prices so it is really amazing to me how SWA is successful in this point. Finally I am really impressed with its human resources management and the spirit of the company. I found really interesting that a customer driven business dedicated to sales has one of its core principles stating Employees come first and customers come second. I think it is a really smart thought to believe that happy employees will keep customers happy. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in crafting the companys strategy? What is it that you like or dislike about the strategy? Does Southwest have a winning strategy? In my opinion, management did a great job crafting the strategy of the company. At the beginning, Herb Kelleher saw a market opportunity with the flight triangle and fought hard to sustain the company. With his performance and behavior indirectly he was setting the pillars of Southwest. Since the beginning Herb established the mission and vision of Southwest and objectives pointing out the path to follow. Also Herb hired very talented executives and managers with much experience in the sector. The only thing that I do not like about the SWA strategy is that I think is limited on growth. The planes purchased, the airports working at and some in-flight services such as not offering meals limit the possibility of expanding internationally. According to the book Essentials of Strategic Management (Chapter 1) to know if a company winning strategy, 3 questions can be used: Does the strategy fit the companys situation? Has the strategy yielded a sustainable competitive advantage? Has the strategy produced good financial performance? In my opinion, SWA has excellent performance in each of the questions. The strategy fit competitive conditions in the industry (external) and has important resources and capabilities. Also the cost reductions carried out by the company confers a competitive advantage over competitors and the financial performance is excellent. What are the key policies, procedures, operating practices, and core values underlying Southwests efforts to implement and execute its low-cost/no frills strategy? They key policies that I find on Southwest are: Using only one type of airplane: as it is explained in the case, using only Boeing 737 allowed them to minimize to minimize the size of spare parts inventories, simplify the training of maintenance and repair personnel, improve the proficiency and speed with which maintenance routines could be done, and simplify the task of scheduling planes for particular flights  [1]  . Introduction of ticketless travel: this element helped SWA to reduce cost related to travel agents and emission of paper tickets  [2]  . Deemphasizing of congested airports, helping them to produce better-than-average on-time performance and reduce fuel cost  [3]  . Implementation of point-to-point scheduling of flights, which is more cost-efficient than the hub-and-spoke systems implemented by competitor airlines  [4]  . Use of fuel hedging and derivate contracts to counteract rising prices for crude oil and jet fuel. Empowerment of employees and TQM approach, contributing to fast problem solving and efficiency. The motto employees are first, customers second has generated a strong company culture motivating employees to do their jobs in the best way, achieve goals and objectives more efficiently and thus, creating a direct contribution to the company ´s profitability. What are the key elements of Southwests culture? Is Southwest a strong culture company? Why or why not? What problems do you foresee that Gary Kelly has in sustaining the culture now that Herb Kelleher, the companys spiritual leader, has departed? The culture of Southwest Airlines primarily involves giving importance and emphasis on the overall welfare of its employees, having its operative principle of employees come first and customers come second. Particularly, the key elements of SWA culture are: Fun atmosphere and work environment: promoted through entertaining behaviors in performing their jobs, an ongoing pranks and jokes, and frequent company-sponsored parties and celebrations. High compensation and numerous incentives. Can do attitude: this enables the employees of the company perform their jobs effectively, solve problems efficiently, overcome adversities and celebrate the companys success. Companys culture of not giving up: developed through all the adversities the company had to face Cost-consciousness: seeking to reduce costs in every step of the business. Empowerment of employees: this motivates employees and makes them feel as an important part of the company. In my opinion it is clear that that Southwest Airlines is a strong culture company.   All elements pointed before make employees of SWA feel as part of a big family rather than merely employees of accompany who does not care about them. This feeling make the employees to work hard for the success of the company and they see the company ´s success as professional and personal achievements. Regarding the problems that I can foresee with Gary Kellys promotion, and according to the information given in the case, I cannot foresee real problems on sustaining the culture. Gary has been in the company for enough time to know which ones are the core values of SWA and the key elements of its success. Maybe the only problem I foresee is that Kelleher was very important for the organization and it will take a while to Gary to gain that position but the path that he will walk will be the same as the one walked by his predecessor. This is sustained with the video watched in class. In the video Gary Kelly was presented as a down to earth boss who knows most of his employees, and still follows the ideas established by Kelleher like treating the customers as queens and kings and employees better. What grade would you give Southwest management for the job it has done in implementing and executing the companys strategy? Which of Southwests strategy execution approaches and operating practices do you believe have been most crucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoyed in executing its strategy? Are there any policies, procedures, and operating approaches at Southwest that you disapprove of or that are not working well? According to the book Essentials of Strategic Management (chapter 10) a successful strategy must have 8 components: In my opinion, SWA is successful in most of the eight points: SWA is mainly characterized on recruiting the best and bights people they can find and then retain them with excellent compensation packages, opportunities for rapid advancement and professional growth, and challenging and interesting assignments  [5]  . The success of SWA was to tackle those activities that were critical in its low-cost strategy. The company only operates one type of aircraft, was the first company to introduce ticketless travel or point-to-point scheduling of flights. These are just few examples on how research and marketing departments put their entire effort on finding ways to reduce cost in every step of the service offered. Also the TQM approach is very good implement due to the empowerment of employees at all levels: empowering people to take decisions will make a positive difference every day  [6]  and the improvement of total customer service and satisfaction by hiring personnel who enjoyed interacting with customers and developing marketing tools as frequent-flyer program and rapid reward based on trips flown rather than mileage. SWA has a really strong corporate culture fostered by its executive management level. In SWA managers are expected to spend at least one-third of their time out of the office, walking around the facilities under their supervision, observing firsthand what is going on, listening to employees, and being responsive to their concerns. Also company executives are very approachable and in 1990 formed a Culture Committee. All this things also help to pursue the goal of customer satisfaction. SWA also believed in training and promotions. Approximately 80-90% of SWA supervisory positions were filled internally. Also the salaries are above the industry average. It introduced a profit sharing plan for senior employees and stock option programs. All this contributes significantly on tying rewards to the achievement of performance objectives. For all this reasons I think that SWA management deserves an A for the job done in executing the company ´s strategy. The approaches and operating practices most crucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoyed in executing its strategy has been their cost containment, recruiting process and organization ´s culture. Regarding the policies, procedures, and operating approaches that are not working well I can see that there is a weakness regarding the support systems. Many case analysis of the company point out that Southwest must be required to modify and upgrade a significant portion of its internal software to guarantee that its computer systems will function properly. What weaknesses or problems do you see at Southwest Airlines? The weakness I see in SWA is related to one point of its strategy. The current strategy of only flying to second line airports represents a problem of limited growth and there are still big cities in the USA without SWA services. And this is contradictory with the ideas of Gary C. Kelly. As it is explained in the case, during his tenure as a CEO, Kelly has worked with other top-level Southwest executives to sharpen and fine-tunes SWA ´s strategy in a number of areas and continued expanding the operations (adding both more flights and initiating service to new airports). The current strategy has a space limit that will restrain companys desires of expansion. What recommendations would you make to Gary Kelly? The first recommendation I will make to Gary Kelly is to try to keep going with the company as it is, feeding companys culture and good environment. Also try to keep their low-cost strategy even through bad times. The second suggestion I would make to Gary Kelly will be to modernize its fleet ( I have read that it is a bit old), purchase bigger planes and expand the flights to other main cities in the U.S and expand their business to other countries close to the U.S such as Mexico or Canada.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Boardwalk of Santa Cruz Essay -- Observation Essay, Descriptive Ess

The Boardwalk of Santa Cruz "Keifer Sutherland blockbuster Lost Boys filmed on this spot," proclaimed the self-important plaque. It was mounted on a wall along a long flight of log stairs. As I looked back, miles of beach stretched out before me and, across the bay, I could see red, blue, orange lights whirling high above the crowds upon a huge wheel. We made our way back to where the steps met back up with the sidewalk alongside the highway. We were hit by the smell of the city, of the freeways, re-invading our senses. I took one final look back and studied once more the long progression of wooden planks stretching off into the distance. It had been like no place I'd ever experienced. The Boardwalk. Santa Cruz. It was the summer of 2000 and I had moved in with my sister Jana in Santa Cruz, California for the summer. I had taken a 32-hour bus ride to get there and was completely exhausted from it, but Jana wanted to show off her city, so the next day she gave me a tour. She had an apartment right on the beach, and we could go swimming anytime. We went downtown and I took in this unfamiliar environment. The people were so much more diverse than I was used to. Growing up in a town of 280 people in western Colorado does not exactly allow one to experience many types of people. In one glimpse down a street in Santa Cruz, I could see a sampling of the world. People of all colors and creeds wearing turbans, sarongs, and other exotic clothes mixed right in with the type of people I had grown up with. California does not have mental institutions, so most mental patients end up homeless in the streets--another wrinkle to the cloak of humanity of this particular street. I witnessed one man... ...s and blocks of shops, restaurants, bowling alleys, bars and emergency medical stations for those who needed assistance, such as having their stomachs pumped, after a night on the Boardwalk. The people milling about were just as varied as those downtown, if decidedly younger. The beach was filled with rides and volleyball nets all along the coast. We started out in a bowling alley and progressed on to numerous other establishments, including a Falafel place where none of the employees spoke anything but Farsi. As the night wore on and the bars became less and less selective, the night became hazier and hazier. One of the memories that remained in my addled brain the next morning was riding the Ferris wheel high above the crowds and feeling the wondrous ocean breeze coming in. It was one of the most fun nights I had while I was in California.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Introduction The report aims to explore the issue about Hong Kong Lantau Island to be promoted as a MICE destination. The background, effectiveness and the suggestion of the program are going to be evaluated and state in the following paragraphs. Background Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK) The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) established Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK) in November 2008 for promotion work in order to continue strengthening Hong Kong's position as the premier destination for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions in Asia Pacific. Moreover, MEHK offers professional support and customized services for the MICE sector including business building, advisory services and marketing support. Moreover, it develops value-added hospitality programs and services for MICE organizers and participants. In order to promote the island as a one-stop MICE destination, HKTB has teamed up with a number of MICE and travel trade partners on a new initiative named â€Å"Lantau Experience: An Inspirational MICE Destination†, which features a range of promotional activities since 2010. Promote Lantau Island as a MICE destination – Three pronged strategy To achieve the idea of developing Lantau Island as MICE destination, MEHK has mapped out the three pronged strategy for the plan. First tactic is to leverage local trade partners as well as raise awareness of Lantau Island’s MICE advantages such as MICE facilities. Also, to enhance promotions of Lantau by holding a series of major international MICE trade shows in AsiaWorld Expo, which is one of main MICE venue in Hong Kong. Second, MEHK has planned to host familiarization trips for overseas MICE organizers by packaging Lantau’s MICE facilities and services, aims to a... ...HK can seize the opportunity to promote Lantau Island to the MICE industries. Because two of the new themes, heritage and arts & culture, are the advantages own by the Lantau. Therefore, the MEHK can promote the Lantau as a MICE destination and tourism spots without taking extra trouble. Besides, the focused target visitors are mainly come from long haul markets, hence the global distribution channel for promotion is necessary, for example, the global television channels, travel and business magazines. Conclusion To sum up, the MEHK can develop Lantau Island as a one-stop MICE destination with unique heritage and cultural of Hong Kong. Therefore, to target the potential MICE visitors who come from long haul markets and also repeat visitors. Since the advantage of Lantau Island can target the specific visitors, the promotion will become more effective and efficient.